Ad Quality Controls Archives - AdsWizz Connecting the digital audio advertising ecosystem Mon, 22 Jan 2024 21:27:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ad Quality Controls Archives - AdsWizz 32 32 Enriching the Listener Experience with Ad Quality Controls Wed, 08 Nov 2023 12:23:50 +0000 As audio advertising continues to grow, publishers and marketers need effective tools to maintain brand safety and align ad content with their audience.  In 2022, a Mediaocean report surveyed over 600 leaders in media providers, advertising agencies, and tech companies. It revealed that 40% of respondents anticipated an increase in brand safety concerns for 2023. […]

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As audio advertising continues to grow, publishers and marketers need effective tools to maintain brand safety and align ad content with their audience. 

In 2022, a Mediaocean report surveyed over 600 leaders in media providers, advertising agencies, and tech companies. It revealed that 40% of respondents anticipated an increase in brand safety concerns for 2023. Only a small percentage expected these concerns to decrease, while slightly over half expected them to remain the same. Similarly, a recent report by IAB Europe revealed that 67% of advertisers stated brand safety was critical to their future success. 

AdsWizz understands these concerns and offers a wide set of Ad Quality Controls that meet the increasing demands of safeguarding brands and campaign requirements for both programmatic and direct sales, all while prioritizing the best listener experience.

These controls help publishers to uphold their brand promise, align with advertiser needs, and maintain listener trust. As programmatic audio expands, AdsWizz gives publishers the oversight required to keep their brands safe. But how? 

Block Unwanted Ads

Complete visibility into audio and display creatives is critical to our clients, so we offer a platform that enables publishers to maintain control over the quality of all programmatic and non-programmatic ads delivered to their listeners. Publishers can set granular blocking rules to avoid inappropriate advertisers or ad categories. Rules can be applied globally across your platform or targeted to specific shows. For example, block certain products, industries, or brand names from being served. Flexible blocking gives publishers oversight to protect their brand.

Ensure Access to Premium Inventory

Ad Quality Controls help publishers block specific advertisers and ad categories from particular supply sources. So, for instance, reserve a morning radio show for family-friendly advertisers only. Exclusive access rules ensure premium inventory matches the right ads and audience. They can also create exceptions and provide exclusive access to their targeted inventory, adding an extra layer of brand protection. Publishers can exercise greater scrutiny over IAB categories they might find questionable.

Accurate Inventory Forecasts

AdsWizz’s advanced Ad Quality rules also offer another crucial advantage, enabling accurate inventory forecasts based on Ad Quality rules. Blocked categories and advertisers are excluded from inventory predictions, helping publishers plan ad sales and provide transparency to buyers.

Frequency Capping

Improving the listener experience is a priority for AdsWizz. Frequency capping is a powerful tool for achieving this goal. Why? Because it limits ad repeats to enhance the listener’s experience. Capping reduces fatigue and balances ad demand across inventory.

Prioritize Your Brand’s Reputation by Integrating Ad Quality Controls

With AdsWizz’s Ad Quality Controls, audio publishers can align advertising with their brand promise. Advanced blocking, exclusive access, forecasting, pre-review, and capping provide the oversight needed to put their audience first in the growing audio advertising market.

  • If you are an AdsWizz partner and want to learn more about Ad Quality Controls, please click here.
  • If you are not an AdsWizz partner and would like to get in touch with us, please visit the Contact Us page.
by Jerome Camerlynck, Director of Product Management at AdsWizz

The post Enriching the Listener Experience with Ad Quality Controls appeared first on AdsWizz.
