Predictions 2022: Audio & Conversational

Audio is well equipped to take on the cookie-less world, especially with boom in podcast listening - advertisers will need to rely on first-party data for targeting and advertising as third-party data goes down in terms of usage and accuracy. We’ll lean further into AI transcription targeting for podcasts, which will help advertisers leverage the...

The Top 5 Digital Audio Advertising Myths

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what’s what when it comes to digital audio advertising, especially with so many misconceptions out there about its effectiveness. Many brands and advertisers may not be fully aware of innovations in the audio space that make it a key player in any well-rounded advertising strategy. So, we’d like...

AdsWizz Signs an Agreement with CairoRCS Media

CairoRCS Media podcast advertising inventory will now be available through AdsWizz’s Supply-side Platform “AudioMax”   Milan, Italy, 16 November 2021: AdsWizz Inc., the leading global technology provider for digital audio advertising solutions, today announced that it has signed an agreement with CAIRORCS MEDIA. The news will allow advertisers to target CAIRORCS MEDIA’s podcasts inventory through...

ARN and Woolworths partner with AdsWizz to introduce enhanced in-store radio

ARN’s iHeartRadio Australia Network worked closely with Woolworths and ad serving platform provider, Adswizz, to develop the dynamic in-store radio solution. This includes using custom built technology with high audio quality and creating a number of bespoke in-store radio stations to suit different customer demographics, time of day, and geographical locations with the aim of...

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